Future of E-commerce- why you should do Internet marketing

why you should do Internet marketing“Clothes, shoes, glasses and just about everything we thought would never move fully online will all be online. The reason is simple: why leave the comfort of your own home when you can get something custom made to your exact size for less? I believe this is the future.” -Patrick Curtis


There are many reasons why you should start online marketing. The future of e commerce is one reason. growing up my parents always mentioned that I should get into the computer industry because its gonna be big. Well the World Wide Web is huge now, and it has grown immensely.

  1. The World population has grown.
  2. More people have access to the internet now than before


If you go ahead and look at just how much e commerce has grown in the last few years you would be amazed. Its only gonna grow bigger through the years too.

Now looking at those numbers you can see how much bigger E commerce is getting. Whats this have to do with online marketing? Well its simple. Basically when your marketing your advertising a product. With e commerce your trading that product that was  advertised possibly on another website even.

Of course when advertising the product, you’ll get a commission when its sold clicking on your links. Because E commerce is growing so quickly now is the best time to start marketing, because essentially everything you can buy offline now you can buy online. A quick glance at future projections will show how big the market is growing.

And if your looking at it globally. In 2013 the total global revenue for e commerce was 1.077 trillion dollars, and it is projected to hit 2.489 trillion dollars by 2018. More than doubling its revenue in a five year span. Just think of all the potential that is there in online marketing when you talk about all the expected increases of revenue. There are millions of products online that could be advertised through the web.


There are billions of people that use the web everyday in search of different interest that will fit their needs for their daily lives. When you look at how big the internet has grown, its quite astonishing. in the last fifteen years the web has gone from 361 million users in 2000 to approximately 3.1 billion users today(almost half the worlds population.) Which is a 753% growth rate in those 15 years which is phenomenal.

Technology i has been been more affordable giving more access to people around the globe. There couldn’t be a bigger place for a market then the internet. That is what makes it so great to start now. Even the people that don’t have access to a computer now a days still has access to phones, tablets, Ipads, etc…


because of how of how advanced technology has come, If you have access to the internet you can virtually work anywhere you want. Whether its at a restaurant, your house, on a plane, while on vacation, you can work anywhere you want, as well has live anywhere. Its great feeling when you having that freedom to do as you please.

Also if your starting an online business some of the benefits isn’t just about working at home. While you sleep you could be making money, because there are no business hours online. It is a 24/7 service that people have access too.

I even feel that you can have better relations with your customers online. Its easier to interact making the experience better. You are making your business more convenient for the people that want to stay home or don’t have transportation to get where they need to go.

So why not take advantage of this opportunity. If your unsure where to start or what to market there are plenty of tutorials and videos to watch. plenty of tools that you can utilize all on one site. And lastly, if your unsure where you can build a website, you don’t even have to worry about the overhead. You can create two free websites here and it’ll only take 30 seconds to make.


Its free to create a website, you can practically market anything and reach millions of people to be successful, and you don’t even have to change out of your pajamas to do it. its quite an amazing concept, and a beautiful way to make a great living without the headaches of a boss and actually leaving your house dealing with that rush hour traffic. I don’t see how you can go wrong.

Any questions or comments like always feel free to post them. I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, and I will respond.

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