Work From Home

Work from home“The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are: Hard work, Stick-to-itiveness, and Common sense.” —Thomas A. Edison

       There are a lot of great perks of working at home. A certain freedom you sometimes never would’ve imagined. If you just need a laptop to work then you can travel and see the world. You can take work with you anywhere you go. You are your own boss. You can work when you want without giving you time do other daily task when its important.

The problem is there’s a lot of scams out there. it takes away the great nature of working at home. There are plenty of legitimate opportunity out there with great pay, but those are difficult to get in, especially if you don’t have the experience that’s required. there are a few things you need to remember.

just like the quote from Thomas Edison said: “The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are: Hard work, Stick-to-itiveness, and Common sense.”  Working online and making money, even the jobs that don’t require experience doesn’t work like magic. You will never make a huge income as soon as you start working. The only exception would be if you got hired at like HP or Google.

     ant-44588Ants are hard workers

Think of ants for example. They carry 8 times what their weight is. Imagine that’s what you have to do to make a good income online. Not that exaggerated but i wanted to put it in perspective for you. It takes a lot of hard work, but can be done. There are people out there that took 6 months of working online before they got their first income. 6 months after that though….

Now they have retired from their 9-5 job and make a great income. You could think they put a couple hundreds of work before they got their first penny, but now are practically retired. All that “Free” time that people complain about working eventually can pay off working online if your willing to be patient and put in the effort.

    Now your probably wondering,how can you can find this opportunity with all these scams out there?” I know it can be difficult and feel degrading, especially if you have already been scammed before. A few red flags you should be alerted about before trying any program is first of foremost never ever give out your credit card information if that’s the only way to get info.

Many websites will say if you pay $97 today you’ll be making hundreds tomorrow. It’s a big fat lie, and you should never try trust those sites. I know people that have spent thousands of dollars on books and “supportable tools” that will let you succeed. It’s not magic.

Because it’s tough to find, I wanted to help you a little bit. There are places that can earn you a little bit. Its not enough to retire on but its a start for extra income for you. One place that i have tried is inbox dollars. You can request payment of a check after you make $30.  It’s free to sign up, and basically what you do is do searches, watch videos, take surveys, etc.. simple stuff you do in between TV commercials to earn a little extra money to save.

Another one that I haven’t tried yet but read about is Swagbucks which is a search engine. Just switch your search engine and register for free to earn money. It doesn’t involve anything changing in your daily life except using a different search engine. I actually just signed up today to check it out.

        Surviving hard times for a better future

    The best thing that I can tell you though, the best tool of them all. Its a program called Wealthy Affiliate. This is the #1 online business that is great for newbies-experts. All that’s required to sign up is your email. no credit card necessary. Free of cost for the starter membership. It gives you all the tools necessary to make an actual income to live comfortably off of.

Do remember though, Looking back at the ant example I gave you earlier, it takes time to start seeing that income. With patient though,and a little bit of hard work, You will succeed and be able to gain that financial freedom that you probably always wanted.

They also give you to two Free websites to design, and it only takes 30 seconds to make. If you can dedicate your time its a sight worth trying. Also check out my getting started page.

A few closing notes

       To help you with avoiding scams, you should check out this article. It shows you ways to avoid internet scams. It can be tough to identify scams some times;so, feel free to follow the tips.  Of course feel free to comment, leave questions, and of course shoot me an email too. I would love to here from you.


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