Is The Article Factory Legit, a Scam, or Just Spam?

If you have heard of the article factory, most likely you discovered them through an email you received promoting the website. While receiving an email you didn’t ask for can be a nuisance and spamming people with your product is unattractive.

The article factory does create articles for you for only $1. Even less if you buy a whole bundle of articles. So if you are looking for a lot of content to build out your site then this offer becomes very appealing to see. After the constant daily spamming on my contact page I decided I would investigate what these guys were all about.

So Today, I’m going to give my own review on The Article factory.

Quick Report:

is the article factory a scam

Product Name:The Article Factory


Price: $1 per article

Upsells: None

Rating: 6/10

Recommended? No, the articles are too generic and broad to rank well on Google in 2019. Better to write your own content

Alternative: If you don’t have the time to write yourself, you should use websites like Fiverr or Upwork to hire writers. The price is higher but so is the quality of work.

If you have the time and want to learn how to rank articles on the first page of Google, then you should check out the program I use to learn how to build a successful online business .

Read on for the Full Review

So What Exactly is The Article Factory?

Just like the email you most likely received states. The Article Factory is here to Build you content quickly and with some of the cheapest pricing around at only $1 an article. When you arrive at their homepage they advertise “quality articles for $1”.

However, there is the old adage “you get what you pay for”. I believe that is true with The Article Factory. Just looking at the F.A.Q. helps show you part of the problem. So let’s go over a few examples from their F.A.Q.

“One Keyword Per Five Articles”

There’s a difference between quality content and just providing quantity. When you are trying to rank on Google you don’t want five articles all with the same keyword.

You’re essentially competing with yourself since it’s not realistic to write five articles, from the same website, with each post targeting the same keyword, and have all of them rank on the first page of Google.

They state,“All articles will be random content on the same keyword.”

So not only are you competing with yourself, you don’t actually know what kind of articles are going to be written. Browsing at the examples of articles on the website you can see that the title and actual content don’t actually fit together.

One Example shown is an article with the title,” The Do’s and Dont’s of Beauty Spas”. When you read the article, there isn’t one example of what you should and shouldn’t do. It’s just click bait where you expect one thing and receive something not as relevant.


When you provide a keyword to target The Article Factory requests that you limit yourself to one or two-worded keywords only. Any longer and they reserve the right to shorten it. Then they give examples of good and bad keywords.

Let’s take a look at one example provided:

Good Keyword: Wedding Planners

Bad Keyword: Wedding Planners in Italy

The point of adding content to your website is for it to be read. Not hidden in a dark space in the corner of the world. When you are writing articles with very broad keywords you are less likely to be discovered.

It’s true, short keywords receive more traffic, but you are competing with 100X as much competition including behemoths like Amazon, Walmart, Adidas, or any other big name in your niche. On top of that, even if you did rank high your traffic isn’t as targeted so the conversions will be much lower.

Where as a long-tail keyword may not bring as much traffic, but you are dealing with less competition (making it easier for you to rank in Google) and gaining a much higher conversion rate as the traffic is more refined and targeted.

Now, if you do a search in Google for “Wedding Planners” over 15 million results come up. Compared to searching “Wedding Planners in Italy” you have 65 thousand results instead. Tell me, would you rather compete with 15 million or 65 thousand websites?

the article factory keyword example

the article factory keyword example on google





I think the answer is very clear, but this is the dilemma you run into buying articles from The Article Factory. Your articles won’t rank very well. The best keywords to target while writing an article are the complete opposite of the keywords they want to write about.

“Our articles are perfect for link building or filler for your websites”

Filler content isn’t quality content. Filler content is just adding generic content to make your website look bigger. If you want to build links with reputable bloggers in your industry Filler won’t work.

No legitimate website is going to link to a website that has generic content that you can find anywhere. You need to stand out from the crowd.

Short Articles

Google loves long form content. If you want Google to love you, you need to provide this type of content. The article Factory is not only giving you harder to rank content, you’re also receiving 600 word articles.

While you don’t need every article to be 2,000 words you do need to have a mix with long form content included.

People aren’t looking for bits and pieces of information. They are looking for an “all in one” stop for their information. When you look at the top ten page results on Google, studies show the average word count is over 2,152 words!

Cost of The Article Factory

Each article is priced at $1. You are required to order a minimum of 5 articles to have your order fulfilled. The more articles you buy the cheaper the price will become. Below you can see what you are paying.

the article factory cost

Pros and Cons of The Article Factory

Every program and product have it’s pros and cons. The Article Factory is no different. Let’s take a look.


  • Fast turnaround between purchasing and receiving your articles
  • Only cost $1 per article


  • Focused on quantity more than quality
  • Only allow broad keywords making it difficult to rank “as is”
  • One keyword per Five articles
  • examples are very broken and don’t always relate to the article title

Is The Article Factory a Scam?

No, The Article Factory isn’t a scam. However, they are huge spammers sending bots to contact forms on websites to attract customers. This is a nuisance and not a practice I agree with. I would have never heard of them if I wasn’t constantly spammed every day.

Final Thoughts

While I don’t consider The Article Factory a scam it is a website I believe you should avoid. Writing quality content with long-tail keywords is the best way to rank on the first page of Google. Producing tons of low-quality content that isn’t going to rank very well in Google makes them a waste of time and money. You really do get what you pay for on The Article Factory and it’s nothing exciting.

If you need writers for your blog outsource the content on Fiverr or Upwork. If you would rather learn how to build your own content that ranks on the first page of Google then you can check out the program I use to Build a profitable online business.

Have you purchased articles from The Article Factory? How did you hear about them?

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